Compliance & Information Disclosure

Detailed information about KYC procedures can be provided upon your request, please contact International Business Department, phone +375 17 2299888, email

Wolfsberg Form Questionnaire and W-8BEN-E of JSC "MTBank"

AML/СFT Policy of JSC "MTBank"

Information about FATCA Requirements

Within the framework of the requirements of the USA law, the Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA), MTBank was registered with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). The Bank was assigned with the Global Intermediary Identification Number (GIIN): 5EFQIX.99999.SL.112.

In accordance with the Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Belarus and the Government of the United States of America to Improve Compliance with International Tax Regulations and to Implement FATCA, the Bank:

  1. identifies American taxpayers among the clients;
  2. annually informs the IRS about the accounts maintained by the Bank, which belong to U.S. taxpayers.

Characteristics of referring individuals, including individual entrepreneurs, to U.S. taxpayers:

  1. the USA citizenship, irrespective of the citizenship of another country;
  2. a residence permit in the USA (green card);
  3. stay in the USA for more than 31 days in the current year and for more than 183 days in the aggregate for the preceding 3 years, including into the calculation the sum of the following:
    all days of stay in the USA during the current year, AND
    1 /3 days of stay in the USA during the first year preceding the current year, AND
    1/6 days of stay in the USA during the second year preceding the current year;
  4. place of birth in the USA;
  5. the address of residence (registration, poste restante address) in the USA;
  6. telephone number in the USA;
  7. availability of a standing instruction on amount payments in the USA;
  8. availability of a power of attorney issued to a person with an address in the USA,
  9. availability of signing authority given to a person with an address in the USA.

Characteristics of referring legal entities to U.S. taxpayers:

  1. registration address (location address) in the USA;
  2. other characteristics indicating a link to the USA (for example, reference of beneficial owners of a non-US organization to U.S. taxpayers).

Template of documents used for approval (disapproval) of the status of the U.S. taxpayer:

The consent to submission of information from:

In accordance with paragraph 1.4 of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Belarus No. 422 as of 15.10.2015 «On submission of Information to Tax Authorities of Foreign Countries», the Bank is entitled:
— to refuse to open an account (to conclude an agreement) of an organization or an individual (in respect of whom) a financial institution of the Republic of Belarus has documentary evidence on to consider the organization or the individual to be a foreign organization or a foreign individual if such organization or individual refuses to fill in the established forms of documents (if the established forms of documents are not filled in within 60 working days following the day of the request);
— to unilaterally refuse to execute the concluded agreement in case a client (in respect of which), a financial institution of the Republic of Belarus has documentary evidence on to consider the organization or the individual to be a foreign organization or a foreign individual, rejects to provide documents and information necessary for the fulfillment of obligations under the agreement, and (or) to fill in the established forms of documents (the documents and information are not provided, the established forms of documents are not filled in within 60 working days following the day of the request), if further execution of the agreement will result in disability to perform the obligations under the agreement;
— to unilaterally refuse to execute the concluded agreement if an account holder (a client under the agreement) refuses to provide consent to submission of information (if such consent is not provided within 60 working days following the day of the request).
