Head Office
JSC "MTBank", 10, Tolstogo Street, 220007, Minsk, the Republic of Belarus
Bank Identification Code (BIC): MTBKBY22
Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN): 100394906
General Classifier of Enterprises and Organizations (GCEO): 14619370
Phone: +375 17 229 99 99
Fax: +375 17 213 29 09
E-mail: mybank@mtbank.by
web-site: https://www.mtbank.by/en/
International Business Department
Financial Institutions Division, Trade Finance Division
Phone: +375 17 229 98 88, + 375 29 363 10 17
Fax: +37517 213 29 09
E-mail: cor@mtbank.by
Head of International Business Department: Mrs. Inna Yurkevich
International Settlements Department
Phone: +375 17 229 99 05
Head of International Settlements Department:
Ms. Galina Jelnerovitch
E-mail: ggelnerovitch@mtbank.by
Head of Correspondent Accounts Service Division:
Mr. Igor Korolyuk
E-mail: ikorolyuk@mtbank.by
Acting Head of Treasury Transactions Support Division:
Mr. Ruslan Volchok
E-mail: rvolchok@mtbank.by
FX and MM Desk
Head of Treasury:
Mr. Yury Hniatniou
Phone: +375 17 229 99 21
E-mail: ygnetnev@mtbank.by
Deputy Head of Treasury:
Mr. Artur Lisov
Phone: +375 17 229 98 12
E-mail: alisov@mtbank.by
Head of FX and MM Desk:
Mr. Kirill Egorov
Phone: +375 17 229 99 20
E-mail: kegorov@mtbank.by
Securities Division
Phone: +375 17 229 99 13, +375 17 229 98 13
E-mail: ocb@mtbank.by
Head of Securities Department:
Mr. Sergey Rusinovich
E-mail: srusinovitch@mtbank.by
Deputy Head of Securities Department:
Mrs. Olga Smirnova
E-mail: osmirnova@mtbank.by
Head of Securities Depository:
Mr. Gennadiy Tolochko
E-mail: gtolochko@mtbank.by
Investment Business Department
Phone: +375 17 229 99 85
Head of Investment Business Department:
Mr. Alexander Prikhodko
Phone: +375 17 229 99 85
E-mail: aprikhodko@mtbank.by